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Student Resources

The DeGroote School of Business provides a range of equity, diversity, and inclusivity resources to support students. These resources aim to create an inclusive environment by promoting equal opportunities, fostering diversity, and ensuring that all students feel valued and supported in their academic pursuits.

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Student Support and Resources

Human Rights and Dispute Resolution

Provides confidential complaint resolution according to the policies on Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Violence.


Inclusion and Anti-Racism Education

Provides educational opportunities related to harassment, discrimination, anti-oppression, accessibility, accommodation, and other human rights-related issues.


Accessibility Program

Provides consultation and advice on the identification, removal and prevention of barriers to accessibility within the University’s systems, structures and policies.


Sexual Violence and Prevention Response

Provides inclusive and trauma informed response; prevention education and response training; community consultation and referral.


Diversity Student Clubs

At McMaster there are a variety of inclusive and diverse student clubs, representing different cultures, interests, and identities. These clubs provide a space for students to connect, celebrate their unique backgrounds, and foster a sense of belonging, promoting diversity, inclusion, and a vibrant campus community.

Scholarships& Awards for BIPOC Students

Established in 2020, the DeGroote School of Business Graduate Awards for Indigenous Learners aims to address inequities in access for Indigenous learners and to assist in removing barriers. Up to five (5) awards will be offered each year (for entrance in the fall term) and can be applied through the normal length of the program. Awards will cover the full cost of tuition in a DeGroote MBA program, as well as, additional related expenses up to a maximum of $15,000 per academic year.

The award is tenable through the length of the program.

Incoming students to the MBA, MBA with Co-op, Accelerated MBA (Part-Time and Full-Time Program) and the Blended Learning Part-Time MBA (BLPT MBA) program are eligible to apply.


McMaster offers several financial support options to incoming and current Black students as part of a commitment to address barriers to access. These opportunities are in addition to the general work programs, bursaries, scholarships and government student loan programs that all students who demonstrate academic excellence and/or financial need, may be eligible for.


The annual scholarship is part of the AlectraCARES Community Support Program, covers all five modules of the C.Dir. Program, and is awarded each calendar year between 2021 and 2025, to one Ontario-based individual who identifies as racialized.

The scholarship offers equity deserving individuals the opportunity to attain governance education and certification, by completing The Directors College Chartered Director (C.Dir.) Program, a DeGroote Executive Program.


There are a variety of financial aid and awards available specifically to students that self-identify as Indigenous (First Nation, Inuit or Métis). Additionally, Indigenous students may also be eligible for McMaster University’s Work Program, bursaries, scholarships and various federal and provincial student loan programs.


Students enrolled in a recognized 4-year Bachelor of Commerce or Bachelor of Business Administration program at an accredited Ontario university are eligible to apply. A successful applicant will receive $5,000 per year to go towards their tuition for each of the 4 years of their program. Recipients are chosen once every four years (unless four-year program recipients fail to uphold the scholarship requirements) based on financial need and merit evaluated according to their academic performance and extracurricular involvement. The funding has been generously provided by the Randhawa family of Toronto. Eligibility criteria include:

  • PROOF OF ACCEPTANCE: You must have been accepted into a four-year B.Comm or BBA program. You’ll need to provide your letter of acceptance.
  • DEMONSTRATE FINANCIAL NEED: You must have either qualified for OSAP funding or must be able to demonstrate financial need through other official documentation.
  • CANADIAN RESIDENT: Either a citizen or a permanent resident.
  • IDENTIFY AS BIPOC: You identify as Black, Indigenous or as a Person of Colour.
  • FIRST GENERATION POST-SECONDARY ATTENDEE: Neither of your parents or legal guardian(s) completed any form of post-secondary degree.
  • DEMONSTRATE ONGOING ACADEMIC MERIT: To continue to receive funding in years two through four, you must maintain a cumulative GPA of C+ or higher.

Length of the scholarship: $5,000 per year for 4 years ($20,000 total)

Who is eligible: BIPOC students enrolled in a recognized 4-year Bachelor of Commerce or Bachelor of Business Administration program at an accredited Ontario university.



EDI Resources For You